Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well I am off you visit my sister for the Halloween party. Have fun everyone.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I have a problem

Well I am big on saying please and thank you and if I am not particularly crabby excuse me. Today I am walking through Enderis to get coffee and as I am leaving Denemark Lounge a guy gets on the elevator. I didn't hear anything but there was a guy already on the elevator and the new elevator guy says "4". Well I immediately say "please". I should know I can't say please and thank you for other people but for some reason I sometimes do. I may be losing it.

Even after I thought "Tamara its crazy to say please for other people" I have the thought that please was probably not the right response (from me or the "4" guy) it should have been "thank you" because I would hope "4" guy wouldn't be so rude as to yell out a number at a guy to push on the elevator and that in fact he must have been prompted in some way.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love crazy

That is crazy celebrities who don't know that they are nuts.

Kelly Ripa

Check out Tyra in any episode of America's Next Top Model and I am sure her talk show.

Kelly Ripa - watch the 1st 20 minutes of Regis and Kelly

Beyonce - read about her and Sasha and her latest music videos

Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put a ring on it)

If I were a boy

Monday, October 13, 2008

I like it

Britney can make some catchy tunes. Check out her new video.

What do you all think?


So I can't tell you the last time I sat down to watch Saturday Night Live. Like many others who have stopped watching have said "I think it lost it funny". Although I must say that Tina Fey as Sarah Palin is pretty funny. Anyway I have been reading lately that Mark Wahlberg (one of my favorites - give me a moment while I close my eyes and think of him in his Calvin Klein undies) did not find the Mark Wahlberg talks to Animals sketch not funny. I must admit if I would have watched it live I wouldn't have found it funny either but the fact that Mr. Marky Mark is all over the gossip pages about such a sketch is kind of humorous.

Here's the video:

What do you all think?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Declare Yourself is a site dedicated to the campaign to getting 18 year olds to register vote.

There are two Declare Yourself ads featuring Jessica Alba that you you should check out.