Friday, November 28, 2008

Post Thanksgiving Post

So yesterday was thanksgiving.

So one thing we did before dinner is we all said what we are thankful for.

What about you?I am kind of glad I only make these pies once a year they are not very good for you.

Oh I made sweet potato pie and green beans as my contribution to dinner.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Survey

How many Thanksgivings do you attend?
Usuallt ine

Where do u attend Thanksgivi ng( s)?
Aunt Cindy's

What is your favorite dish?
Man why choose on Thanksgiving

Do you have turkey, ham, or both?

What, if any, are your Thanksgiving traditions ?
Pokeno and family game time

Name your FAV thing about Thanksgiving.
Spending time with family, food, not going to work & still getting paid (i'll use my sister's answers)

Do you use brown gravy or turkey gravy?
TURKEY although I don't make gravy

Do you make anything for Thanksgiving?
Everything but the dang on turkeys

Do you help clean up after Thanksgiving?
No choice - the fight is what round of dishes do you get.

What is your least favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
anything with marshmallows in it

Out of every thing you eat at Thanksgiving, what can YOU cook the best?
I am not sure since my contribution is the same green beans and sweet potato pie

Do you kill your own turkey?
That is a big fat no. I leave my turket killing to someone else

What do you drink with your Thanksgiving feast ?
water, soda

Has there ever been a feud during your Thanksgiving?
not that I can remember

What kind of veggies do you have with Thanksgiving?
Greens and green beans, sweet potatoes

Do you have Appetizer before you Thanksgiving meal?

How many people attend your Thanksgiving( s)?
I was just told this year that we cook for 20 but maybe 12 permanents

Name them:
me, and....

Have you ever missed a Thanksgiving?
what does that mean?

Do you eat Thanksgiving left overs?

What kind of pie/ cake/ dessert do you eat for dessert?
Sweet potato, chocolate cake, cheese cake

Do you ever play games at Thanksgiving?
yes and its hilarious

Name 3 things you are Thankful for:
I don't have anything that I'm not thankful for

What time do you eat Thanksgiving?
3pm which is horrible since that is a late lunch for me

Is there anyone who has normally attended Thanksgiving, that will not be there this year?
the group changes so often

Name the funniest person at your Thanksgiving(s):
Niecy {Frankie} Pora's mom

Which person eats the MOST?

Which person eats the LEAST ?

Shortly describe what the women typically do on Thanksgiving.
let's turn this around the men watch footbal and the rest has to get done.

Shortly describe what the men typically do on Thanksgiving.
Eat, watch football, eat, sleep

Do any animals attend Thanksgiving dinner?
Cindy's cat Louise

Who carves the turkey?
I don't know

Have you ever had to make Thanksgiving all on YOUR OWN?

Do you get along with the people you have thanksgiving with?
Sure or I wouldn't show up!

Baked turkey or Fried Turkey?

Do you eat gizzards?

Do you like whipped cream on your pumpkin pie?
I like pie no need for topping and pumpkin pie is iffy

Is your Thanksgiving formal, or do you just do whatever?
well it like business casual (you know you attempt to dress up and sometimes fail)

Is your Christmas tree set up before or after Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 17, 2008

I will post more if you read more

Ok that may be a lie (or a mistruth) as I won't stop posting entirely because you (whoever you are) stop reading but I...

There is no but I.

Anyway breathing hurts today. Asthma. I guess. I live alone and while watching tv or sitting on my couch have a lot of time on my hands to think or talk to myself. Yesterday witht he breathing pain I thought of those sucking chest wounds that I see on medical tv dramas. Then decide that maybe my chest pain felt like that but as a bad. I don't know.

Oh I have good news. So last week it was rumored that Lipstick Jungle was being canceled but its not. I started to feel bad for my Tivo.

That's all I got for now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


How to choose a good cooking apple. I am going to a French night and I need something french to make. a apple tarte tatin sounds good but finding apples might be a problem.

How to choose good cooking apples

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Wow what an election

There is something to be said about the presidential race. It was a very interesting one. I don't know if anybody could have expected what we saw tonight. The polls just closed on the West Coast and the news people started to make ther presidential predictions. Once it was announce that our president-elect was Barack Obama there was a cheer within the bar.

This presidency means so much to so many. I don't think that I could think of the many ways this will effect lives or livelihood of those who voted for or against Obama.

With such an historic election in front of us I think it is important to realize the impact.

Those of us that happen to be black - The first black president. I know he was not the first to run but he was the first to have a fighting chance.

Those of us who needed change - This country has had its number of issues over the last 8 years and I must say that if you are bold enough to say change is what we need and be honest about it, there's my vote.

I could go on and on. Here is the thing. This would have been an historic election either way. I still have this mind-blowing excitement and enthusiasm behind this. I just can't wait to see tomorrow's news and react.

This is big and exciting.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Analyzers

Well GenderAnalyzer thinks I'm a boy and Typealyzer called me a feeler. Well I know I don't like this one bit.

I'm a girl and I am not a feeler (creepy).
