Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's Saturday night...and I am at home

So what does that say about me. I haven't even left my apartment. I wish someone would come over and do my laundry. I have put my lazy pants on and i am not taking them off until tomorrow sometime. I was trying not to rant but...

I am watching pimp my ride. I understand that they are taking crap cars and making them better. I just don't understand why they have to paint these cars neon yellow with wierd ass flames. I think these cars are the perfect way to get pulled over by the cops, car jacked or just getting robbed. Ok I am done.

I'm done for now.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Who knows what I ever talk about.

I am not sure if the subject line should be a statement or a question. Whatever. So I am feeling much better than last night an dcan attempt to write something cool.

My updates:
No gifts yet. What are people waiting for? Wait I was offered a gift of cake but 1400 calories a day prevents me from eating cake.

My nose is ridiculous. If it wasn't attached to my face I would be rid of it. Drinking makes congestion worse I don't think that's fair.

So I actually tried sticking to the 1400 calorie plan and I don't like it. Plus counting calories make me feel crazy and I don't want to do it anymore. the discussion with the dietician next week or whenever it is will be interesting.

But besides that, I had a purple pen like the other Pilot pens I use and I can't find it. I know my apartment ate it but I want it back. I tried just giving up on finding it and buying another one but the Walgreens didn't have it. Now I am back to finding it in my apartment.

Another thing I should get out there is that I am now obsessed with finding out what happened to Anna Nicole Smith's son. I will bypass looking at other news to check out the latest story on

Baseball games are awesome when you don't have to watch the game. I prefer drinking a lot. The port-o-pottys are another story, I don't like them ever and at Thursdays Brewer's game I used one twice. At the time I made that go away by drinking more beer.

Other things I have noticed in the world lately:

I am all about holes in your jeans (mainly because all my pants have holes of some sort). I saw a girl yesterday on campus that her entire right leg was exposed in front. There was a hole the length on her thigh. My thinking is either wear shorts or cut off the leg. It looked really crazy.

Off to find something on the internet to read or just stare at.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Movie Night

Well I tried to avoid the movie Shaun of the Dead but I watched it and it was ok I guess. I am too tired to post anything good. So I won't I will read other peoples blogs instead. Before that though John Mayer has a blog that is super funny. I'll post tomorrow.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blogging again

Well last night someone said I should blog (I think Grypp) so I am going to try again on a regular basis. I just read some of my other blogging moment and I amused myself. I want to give a brief update on my life. Since it has been over a year.
I am out of the office with the light that turns off when it wants.
My nose has gone back to doing what it wants. I fear this might go on for a while.
I still believe people should buy me gifts, I deserve them.
I am still just as lazy as I was before.
I have new shows that I am obsessed with one being Weeds and that damn theme song (if you want I'll sing little boxes for you).
I am also obsessed with other tv shows but this could go on forever.

Now that we are done with that brief update.

For those who didn't know I am trying to drop some pounds and I have been seeing a dietcian and exercising (well I was). Today I have an appointment and we discussed what we first talked about in my initial visits. One of them is how many calories I should have in one day. It's absolutelty crazy. it is the 1400 calorie death plan. Who eats only 1400 calories a day. People who weigh less that 100 lbs. not going to happen. I'll try it out a coule days and report back. I am sure it won't be pretty. She's a professional right it can't be that bad.

To end Nip/Tuck is awesome and the McNamara family is being weirder. Who knew it could happen.

I'm hungry I got to go.