I am not sure if the subject line should be a statement or a question. Whatever. So I am feeling much better than last night an dcan attempt to write something cool.
My updates:
No gifts yet. What are people waiting for? Wait I was offered a gift of cake but 1400 calories a day prevents me from eating cake.
My nose is ridiculous. If it wasn't attached to my face I would be rid of it. Drinking makes congestion worse I don't think that's fair.
So I actually tried sticking to the 1400 calorie plan and I don't like it. Plus counting calories make me feel crazy and I don't want to do it anymore. the discussion with the dietician next week or whenever it is will be interesting.
But besides that, I had a purple pen like the other Pilot pens I use and I can't find it. I know my apartment ate it but I want it back. I tried just giving up on finding it and buying another one but the Walgreens didn't have it. Now I am back to finding it in my apartment.
Another thing I should get out there is that I am now obsessed with finding out what happened to Anna Nicole Smith's son. I will bypass looking at other news to check out the latest story on cnn.com
Baseball games are awesome when you don't have to watch the game. I prefer drinking a lot. The port-o-pottys are another story, I don't like them ever and at Thursdays Brewer's game I used one twice. At the time I made that go away by drinking more beer.
Other things I have noticed in the world lately:
I am all about holes in your jeans (mainly because all my pants have holes of some sort). I saw a girl yesterday on campus that her entire right leg was exposed in front. There was a hole the length on her thigh. My thinking is either wear shorts or cut off the leg. It looked really crazy.
Off to find something on the internet to read or just stare at.
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