Thursday, October 05, 2006

Who said what?

Ok I know its 1:23am and I am writning in my blog but I had a rough day today and decided to drink. Which I am sure will come back to haunt me but I will talk about htat later.

I took notes as not to forget about the items for today. Here's the list that I wirte down: unicorns, letter to bethany's uterus, hughey purse, and Blaxican.

I know where to start.

So I had a discussion about unicorns today and it was quite disturbing. Are unicorns real or not. I a m voting for real. I saw a lot of unicorn on tv growing up and tv won't lie. I like unicorns and her eis my theories. The re are unicorns but because of their rare beauty they are almost extinct. In order to keep the scalpers away they pretend they are dead so perserve their wonderfulness. Just my theory othe people have others.

Next my letter to the uterus:

Dear Bethany's uterus,

I really want a baby to play with and I hope you would do me the honor. Many people know I like babies and I have been wanting a new baby for a while. do what you have to to prepare. I know everyone is ready. Just make a fucking baby already.

Sincerly yours,

next is the hughey purse:

There was a bet and my friend made me a purse. Then I got drunk and said I could make a better purse than him. Well I lost the contest and if I was more sober and could find the purse I would take a picture of it and show you. Anyway I lost on a technicality that I used the same materials as him. My ourse was eway better. I am a little upset about that but I will get over it.

Now I don't know if anybody has heard of the term Blaxican, but after a bad hearing day I thought I heard someone say it. The didn't say it just Mexican. I had a friend look it up on the internet and boy do we live in our own world it was out there. Who knew. I like when I make up words.

Now the meat of the blog. Tonight I drank a little and decided to tell everyone about the people about who I would "do". Both people I know and don't know. Well there is videotape and it wasn't me. It was all fabricated and lies. Especially if you were featured in the talks. LIES I say. The internet will be the end of me. Again I would not do or not not do anyone in the greater Milwaukee area that I know. Unless we have made previous arrangements. Ok people not in the area unles you are a stranger and I don't know you. I am not doing strangers just just I have yet to meet. Ok this is going bad just like the quote book. I was supposed to add people to the blog but fuck that I am going to sleep. Maybe tomorrow, bitches.


Anonymous said...

well this explains the odd text messages :) Sounds like a good night drunko. See you for driving!

Anonymous said...

Please do not EVER drink and blog at the same time. It would be interesting to see the texts messages you sent Jenni. And Jenni I hope they were entertaining.