Monday, May 07, 2007

A Lovely Sunday, Part 1

Well I started Sunday at 8:30am.

Played a game of sudoku - A level 5 game - which is the hardest for the web site i was on.

After that I sat down to finish watching Little Miss Sunshine. I started Saturday night after I left the bar. I only made it 30 minutes into it before I had to go to bed. Anyway I finished Sunday morning and I really liked it.

After that I decided that I should maybe clean my apartment some. Although I did do a lot of cleaning, I ran into a problem. I have an excessive amount of clothing. And by excessive I mean my entire hallway is filled with clothes now. They need a home. Which shouldn't be my apartment but we'll see if I can get myself to throw away or give away that many clothes. I always think that I will wear that again. I should learn to let go. What kind of pack rat would I be if I got rid of everything. Well the cleaning process is going to take another week or so.

Well Michael called me while I was cleaning to ask if... to be continued.


Anonymous said...

DONATE YOUR CLOTHES!!!!! I will come over there in all my pregnant rage and help you go through them all... i've been telling you for what, 3 to 4 years now to donate some of your clothes??

Be realistic about what you will wear and what you won't... if something is too big or too small, get rid of it.. if you have 7 in multi colors - keep 2 or 3...

You could clothe a good portion of the city with your wardrobe tamara! Plus it's not like your are never going to buy new clothes - so look at is as a way of making space for clothes you will inevitably buy :)

thats it, i'm coming over... :)

knochie said...

in theory that all sounds good. I have separation anxiety when it comes to my clothes.

Anonymous said...

I know you do - that's why i'd be there for support. (and i'd bring a bottle of wine to distract you with as i hauled clothes out of your apartment ;)