Friday, August 10, 2007


We all know that I like to blog about the really trivial things in life. Well because I think that that's what makes life funny. One thing that I am reserving for other people to comment on is my extreme clumsiness. I had a coffee incident the other day and I mean catastrophic. Catastrophic to the floor to my jeans (I had to crawl under the table - a complete other subject). Extremely funny for Beth and Isaiah.

I have a history of coffee incidents. This time it wasn't all over me and the chair I was sitting in. I will not divulge any information about that chair or its whereabouts. I think it may have something to do with the fact that my chair doesn't have armrests. I don't know. I often make up things to support my theories. That's what college taught me.

Anyway, I hope everyone has an awesome day. I have officially finished my cup of coffee for today with absolutely no spills.


1 comment:

sluggirl said...

Yea! Three days in a row! A new record!