Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Its a new year

Well it's 2013 and I would like to share my new year's resolution and goals.

Resolution:  Don't sabotage myself. - I'm good at it so I will resolve to not do it again this year.  If I don't accomplish everything I want this year we will know.

Goal #1: Exercise more - I would say lose weight but that's stressful.  So if I can just get my ass in a gym the eating better and weight loss will fall into place.

Goal #2: Read at least one book a month.  I'm a smart girl and can read - I also love reading.  I just have to figure out how to read obsessively and still get sleep.

Goal #3: Write more.  I was say I am going to write a book - but that's stressful.  I am just going to write more.  I used to write all the time and some where in time I slowed down to an almost stop. So the goal is to write, stories, blog posts, the elusive book or something (maybe letters to my friends and family).

That's it those are simple enough.  Last year was good, this year will be better.

This year will be all ice cream, pizza, partying and making out with boys. (You know the fun things in life.)

One other thing:  Not losing faith in the fact that this world is not as awful of a place as last year showed us it could be.

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