Thursday, February 15, 2007

What's lookin' good right now...

this bottle of wine.

I just watched Grey's Anatomy and I am almost in tears. No one will answer their phone which must mean no one loves me (that's Jenni and Pora).

Freaking out here.



Pamela Ver Haag said...

I would have answered my phone Tam!!! I was balling my eyes out!!!


Anonymous said...

yeah i was tearing up too.. couldn't believe it... and tamara - for "not loving you" considering both pora and i got ahold of you within 10 minutes of your calling - i think that's pretty good. Maybe we were still recovering from the shock of the end of that show and couldn't answer...

she better not die or i'm done watching... but i suppose to get people to believe it they have to go over the top because everyone thinks they can't kill her off... -shrugs- still - that's not cool...

Pamela Ver Haag said...

I agree....I don't want her to die.....


Seeing all her friends standing around and hoping that she'd make it just made my heart drop...