Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Let's Play Answers

So for the last two weeks I posted survey questions. Which was fun because I never knew what the responses would be. So until I can come up with a new way to entertain both my readers and myself we'll play Answers.

This is how it will work:

Every day I will post an answer and you have to come up with a question.

Example: Answer (A) is: Red
Sample Questions (Q): What is the color of your favorite heels? or What color do you wear the most? or What color are most apples?

I won't post a question right away. I will wait a day or two to do so. Oh and you can post as many questions as you like.

So let's start:

A: Just hanging out. Having dinner and watching a movie.

I know the possibilities are endless. I'm excited to see what you will come up with.


beth said...

What is your favorite thing to do when you don't have to wash your dog every other night?

Pamela Ver Haag said...

What are you and jolly doing on your date tomorrow night???

knochie said...

ha ha funny Pam. Me and Jolly are never going on a date.

Pamela Ver Haag said...

lol hehehehehhe
Now you know you laughed when you read that comment!


Pamela Ver Haag said...

You set yourself up for that one!

Robert Schuettpelz said...

What was your laundry doing on the clothes line last night? Where were YOU?

Anonymous said...

What are you doing after you murder that homeless guy?