Wednesday, October 24, 2007


That celebrities live in an alternate universe can be found in what they name their children.

Only in the universe that they reside can you name your child Pilot Inspektor, Moxie CrimeFighter and Audio Science and not fear that they will be tease mercilessly or just be weird people.

For other weird celebrity baby names:


Anonymous said...

i think that naming your kid something along those lines (while i am a big fan of Jason Lee) is ultra vain. I think they do it more for the attention or because they think the name will somehow make them look cooler, but they neglect to think about their kids.

The kids will already probably be teased mercilessly because of who their parents are and the money they have, and then they give them a name like "Imma Dork". do they want thier kids to run home crying to their nannies every day?

knochie said...

that is so true Jenni. So what if their kid wanted to go into aviation one day. You can be Pilot Inspector Pilot Inspektor but that just wouldn't be cool