Monday, December 10, 2007

Severe food issues

I have been reading food blogs this morning and have realized that there are certain things that limit my culinary experience. I am definitely afraid of some foods. I don't like some foods that are ingredients in everything. I also have a hard time substituting things. Here are some examples:

peas - I have found tons of recipes lately that say something to the effect of "a handful of frozen peas." The thought of adding a handful of frozen peas to anything I have to eat sickens me. The fact that they pop when you bite into them is gross. That leads me to not like most foods that pops when bitten.

baby animals - I am sure baby animals are tasty. I feel bad eating baby animals. Why? Because I am a crazy person apparently.

meats with weird names - ok I know this is a bot of a stretch for even me but come on. Sweetbreads (besides the fact that its baby animal glands) sounds gross. Foie gras, I understand the French are crazy (its still duck liver). It makes me shiver.

Water Chestnuts - I think taste wonderful. The sound they make when you bite into them drvies me nuts. Now I do avoid eating them at all costs, if you wrap them in bacon they can be hard to resist.

Getting back to vegetables.

Cooked carrots - purely texture. I may not be able to eat lunch think about this stuff. I like carrots, raw.

Brussell Sprouts - ick. I don't think I can say anything else other than ick.

I have to stop now I am making my self sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i too have tons of food issues.. but the waterchestnut thing - you need to learn to love..i make some mean bacon wrapped water chestnuts... YUM :)

i'm really particular about meat, nothing with bones in and nothing that looks like an animal. or baby animals - those are out too.

as far as peas go - frozen peas that are blanched (ran under hot water) are good. i H-A-T-E cooked peas however so it's a miracle i found a way to eat them.

i can't eat slimy things though - like mushrooms..too slippery for me.

i think food issues are normal. or so i tell myself.