Friday, January 11, 2008

Things you may not know about me

Since the writer's strike I have been reading a lot of articles about the many writers. I today came across a blog that have been featuring stories from various writers. Ina series called "Why We Write".

I am not a published writer but I would like to be one day. So I know that I give people limited information about my life. Not that I am ashamed but because I don't want to have long drawn out conversations about information. I will write about my feelings because that is safe for me. I can write things down and then decide if I am willing to share that with people and when.

So today I start my why I write series called "Things you may not know about me". Long title I know.

So wrote something here about having a birthday feeling abandoned and gaining new friends. That was a few days ago. I had it saved in drafts waiting for the right time to publish it. Well now it is in my not online pieces of writing repository. I have decided that writing that helped me because I wrote it down. I haven't shared it with anyone yet. Although I know I will in order for it to really be therapeutic. I am just not ready yet.

I know so many people and we all grew up different. Every family has their quirks but I am not sure if 3 days ago or today is the right time for that story. But like I said before its the type of story were people want to find out more and although I can write about it, I still don't want to talk about it.

One day maybe tomorrow.

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