Monday, February 25, 2008

I am almost at my breaking point

I have been craving Noodles & Co. Buttered Noodles. So I decided I would make some. I have made them before and they have been ok. Problem was I was hungry didn't let my whole grain noodles cook long enough. Well additionally I was using whole grain noodles instead of egg.

I also decided to do a buttered noodle recipe search. I know add butter to noodles then stir. But I have tried different things spices you know. I came across this web site with a Noodles & Co. review. On it said that the buttered noodles were the top seller and that was because most people had a lack of culinary adventure. I took offense. I don't know why exactly but I did. I like all types of food and probably have tried 65% of there menu.

I don't like mushrooms or pesto, so there. I have no clue why I am complaining.

Oh yes I do. I am sick of winter and I want Noodle & Co. brand noodles not Tamara's kitchen brand. Man I think I need a nap or something.

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