Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shower Survey

You know how it goes. I get them in email and post them here.

Do you shower in the morning or evening?
Mornings on the weekdays whenever I feel like it on the weekends

Do you use liquid or bar soap?

Do you use shampoo and conditioner or just shampoo?

Do you brush your teeth in the shower?
no when I get out

Do you shave in the shower?

Do you sing in the shower?

Do you use a washcloth?

Do you have a door or a curtain on your shower?

Have you every taken a call in the shower?

Have you ever showered in your swimsuit?
This activity sounds familiar. granted I did work at a pool for several summers

Have you ever showered with a member of the same sex?
I can't think of a time but who knows

Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex?

Do you share a bathroom with someone?

Do you listen to the radio in the shower?
my ipod sometimes

Do you wear a shower cap?

Do you wash behind your ears?

Describe your shower in three words
Hot, Long, Refreshing

What one thing would you change about your shower?
if it was in a new apartment

What would make your shower time better for you?
if I had tome to relax

What celebrity would you like to shower with?
so many

What celebrity would you NOT like to shower with?
so many

What is the one thing you can't do without in your shower?
umm water

What is the oddest thing that has happened to you in the shower?
I don't know

What is the best thing that has happened to you in the shower?
I can't tell

When was the last time you showered?
this morning

When are you going to take a shower next?
tomorrow morning

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