Monday, July 21, 2008


Did I get anything that I wanted to get done tonight done??

Well the big answer to that is no. I wanted to do laundry, didn't happen. I wanted to clean, didn't happen. I wanted to post on my blog. Ok that happened but just barely.

So today I went to see The Dark Knight. I must say that I loved it. I don't know what the pull is for me toward Batman. The Caped Crusader, right? There is something about vigilante justice that makes a good movie for me. The only good justice is justice you make for yourself. That statement I am sure will come back to haunt me I'm sure. Maybe when I am on trial. Anyway, I thought the Joker performance was great and I laughed maniacally at how truly off kilter the Joker can be. Well you do have to suspend belief. (Spiderman sucks - not the movie the character)

Going to see the movie has inspired me to put a new poll on my blog. I was told that it seemed a little crazy to go to a movie alone. Whatever, I enjoy my own company.

Well before I put that poll up and I venture off to bed, I have to make the statement that my eye hurts. I don't know if this is cause to worry but oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I like Spidey alot. But I'm a big fan of Batman. I think its the darkness that surrounds him. I can't wait until tomorrow when I see it. You going to the movies alone is nothing. It just shows you are a secure person. Just like your sister. Plus no one will bother you or talk to you during the movie. yeah