Tuesday, August 26, 2008


SO I was getting dressed this morning and while searching for pants I picked up the pair that I wore on Saturday for the Zorn b-day party. Then it come to me, the memory of the mustard incident. I was there to help out with party setup and then to have some fun. Well after setting things out we decide its eating time. So I go for one of my favorite, the hamburger. Well as I am trying to put on the condiments I realize that the mustard is not open. Being the self-sufficient girl that I am decide that instead of taking the help that Erin offers, I can open the mustard while holding on you my plate.

I put the mustard being my thighs so I can unscrew the top, I did that fine. Then I go to remove the pull lid which I did just fine. Except for the splash of mustard on the leg of my pants. Erin is getting a good chuckle as she says, "I told you I could help". Now I have to clean up the mustard which I thought I did. All the while Erin is laughing and telling my there is more. Yes I have mustard all over my crotchal region. Kinda funny. Not like that was the first time that happened. I have a incident at work with something white (I wish I could remember what it was).

SO to avoid this I say no pants.

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