Sunday, April 22, 2007


There is definitely a reason why I normally buy applesauce in the single packs. I just opened a 50oz. jar of applesauce and now fear I will eat the entire jar before the day is over. Some one should pick up the jar and save me from myself. I guess if I do eat the entire jar its only 1000 calories. It could be a worse binge I assume.


Anonymous said...

yeah - there's a lot of sugar in it too isn't there? but applesauce is better than say eating a gallon of ice cream or entire bag of potato chips all at once :)

knochie said...

Those would definitely be alternatives if I ever thought my applesauce habit was getting the best of me.

Anonymous said...

hmm - if you like your current pant size, i'd consider staying w/ the applesauce as your habit :)

knochie said...

I guess that is true. I surprisingly controlled myself. I should have never bought a jar that big.

Anonymous said...

As long as you eat it before it goes bad - can't be that much harm in it...