Friday, May 04, 2007

Really Random

So I bought salt and pepper shakers for my desk or food drawer at work today. I'm excited because I am sick of all the little packets everywhere.

In order food related news I am making Drunken Chicken and I have everything I need except for ancho chiles and orange juice. I have orange juice but I got the lots of pulp kind. Well the orange juice isn't the problem, I'll probably go to Walgreens and buy a small bottle.

I wanted to make yellow rice to accompany the drunken chicken (oh which means I had to buy tequila- this can't be good) but I can't find achiote powder or paste. I'll do some searching when I get off of work and maybe Saturday morning. It better be a nice day.



Pamela Ver Haag said...

I'm sure Whole Foods will have what you are missing....good luck!

knochie said...

I'll check there and Sendiks on Downer

Anonymous said...

Get it here.

Also El Rey will have it for shizzle.