Well I again ventured onto John Mayer's blog to read the posts that I haven't read. He doesn't post as often so I don't read as often. Anyway. I was reading a post about free speech and interestingly enough compared it to blackjack (the people not the act).
It made me think...
I have made the statement before that I think people should say whatever they want but hey should know what they say has consequences. Good or Bad.
I know that at some point in life people think they are important enough to say things and people will think they are being smart. Here's my thought you are always important enough to have what you say deemed as smart as long as you act smart (not in dramatization but as in your actions).
If you say what you mean in the sincerest way possible and do your very best to not offend (the again someone will always be pissed) and more importantly not to impress. What you say will hold more gravity with your world. Meaning the people who listen to you or come across the thoughts that your brain can't keep to itself.
What it comes down to is that when you can't help being yourself: thought-provoking, impelling, an activist for the causes that mean the most to you, and passionate, you make an impact on someone or some cause that really needs it.
Don't talk important be you, that's important enough.
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