Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Something I know

I don't want my fish to have eyes. Which in turn equals no head. I am looking at a blog about someone's adventures with food.

I do really wish I had an awesome kitchen and unlimited money I would cook all day.



Anonymous said...

you don't want fish you are going to eat to have eyes or fish you have as pets?

and yeah - i don't even eat fish, but if someone around me is going to - i'd prefer it not have a face on it.

it'd be like getting a chicken head attached to a chicken breast. I don't think i could eat that.

knochie said...

the fish I will eat. I would prefer my pet fish have eyes.

I think it is slightly different from the chicken example but still.

Anonymous said...

i dunno.. an animal head on food is an animal head - fish, chicken, cow, whatever...:)

people eat pig roasts and there you are just eating right off the whole pig.. ugh .