Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So I went nite golfing

My first time golfing, I decide to do it in the dark. (a weird first time you have sex analogy popped in my head, but nevermind that). SO I must say I might consider golfing during the day as long as no one criticizes my lack of ability. You never know about those day time players.

Highlights from the night:

I didn't lose my ball.
I didn't get to frustrated with myself.
I had to use a port-o-potty. (I hate the things)
Grass, grass everywhere.
Wet socks always piss me off.


beth said...

I had to throw my socks away. They were discolored and smelled so bad. That was after chasing them across the basement as they tried to run away from me.

IsaiahC said...

There are all kinds of ambiguous jokes that can be made about nite golfing. I want to start.
- How many strokes did it take to get it in the first hole?