Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dear Diary

I think I am losing my mind. I normally can go out and get what I want but when dealing with other humans while trying to be not pushy (something I'm good at - being pushy), considerate of others' feelings (something I am work on) and being true to me (some times too good at and others not good at all) I am having trouble. This issue that I am currently dealing with leaves me feeling overstimulated, like a baby feels when there is too much happening around them. I need to do something and I have options. And I am good a making decisions. I guess its the age old dilemma. Just walk away (an option that is oh so appealing to me right now) or wait it out and see what happens (I am not good at patience - never been a strong point with me and I doubt it ever will be). So what's a girl to do.

If I managed to do things in my overly aggressive way, I can guarantee that it won't be sleek, proper or pretty. It will be more like me trying to cut the dead leaves off a house plant with a hatchet. You know scary and hard to watch.

If I continue to do things as I am I might die. Maybe a little over dramatic but its getting rough.

So diary, I thought getting some of this off my mind I would feel better. Well I am feeling unsatisfied.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wrote to much to comment on at once. Its hard to be patient. That's a given. Be true to yourself always. You'll have less regrets. You are a great decision maker. This time walk away. You made your point. You are strong. Let it go. The ball is now in the other persons court if they want it.