Friday, April 27, 2007

Blogger Choice Awards

Well here is an opportunity to check out new blogs as well as vote for the ones you like the most.

What goes on?

ok yes language is making me crazy. I have been watching this show called October Road and last night was the season finale (the 6 episode season). Well I don't know if I am being absolutely nutso about his or what but they used the line "What goes on...?" or "How can this be." a lot. I was oddly disturb by this I may be crazy. Well if you want to check this out go to Watch the 4/26/2007 show.


Zombie movies

The BBC has a quiz that tests your knowledge of zombie movies. I have to take it again since it didn't score me. I'll update with my score.

Update: I got 7 out of 10 right

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What am I going to do with myself

So I had an interview yesterday and as you all know I need a job. The thing is it is to the point where I can't be selective in where I accept a job. Bringing me to the point of this post (if it has a point, it may not), why make the job you want someone to be dedicated to sound like such a drag. I know I will probably not find my dream job right away. I don't know what me dream job is but I do know the type of people I like to be around. The people in the HR department seemed like nice enough people. It was once I got out of the elevator the concern set in. It was depressing kind of. All the walls were white (no frills in this place). Well I sat down in the office with the business manager and the office was kind of creepy. There was a bookcase/shelf with absolutely nothing on it, not a book or a plant nothing.

I guess I am starting to get a better picture of what I want. I want to work with fun dynamic people that despite your job and no matter how much of a chore the work is you feel ok about going to work.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


So my morning started unexpectedly early. Although I am having bizarro dreams this one not violent strange nonetheless. I am sure I am not ready to talk about it. Anyway, it had to be approximately 5:15 am when an alarm clock somewhere in the building went off. I will say I have been guilty of this particular wrong doing. Forgetting to turn off my alarm clock when I won't be home to turn it off. I have gotten much better at it though. The thing is I have been having trouble sleeping, I mean a bad bout of various forms of insomnia. It's been probably been over six months since I had a really good nights sleep. Well the thing (the alarm clock) had no owner this morning or the person in charge of it was being an ass. The thing is we have all programmed our selves to wake when that sound happens. Personally I have something called a gentle wake alarm clock that made matters even worse. It starts off with the faintest of beeps and get louder. I had my window open and this alarm sounded similar to the very first beeps of my alarm clock. Which always jolts me awake so I can turn it off. So I was awake and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. The thing is every time I laid still I could her the beeping. I tried putting the pillow over my head even blankets nothing helped. I was not the only one that unhappy by this. The person that lives above me had some sort of violent reaction 15 minutes into it. When he started to scream and stomp around. That was less annoying because it stopped. I eventually turned my radio on so the beeping would go away and I could go back to sleep. As you all know you can not predict what will happen on the radio. It did not produce a quality sleeping environment. Not that I thought it would it sure was better that the beeping. I was over an hour of beeping. I started to get angry much like the man above me. I wanted to perform violent acts upon someone's head but I controlled myself. Just barely. I will never forget to turn off my alarm clock again.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The internet

Well it has been good to me today. Filled with wonderful story that make me smile. I didn't share them all but I will share this one. I mean the internet is all about discovery.

You are what you drink

The Landmark turns 80

Well the Landmark turns 80 how fun. According to the article there will be anniversary specials all week.

The Landmark

I'm really sorry

Don't hate me forever but I found this on the internet and sometimes I just have to share.

In case you don't know how or are doing it wrong. Here is a link that is a how to guide to french kissing.

Damn Stumble Button

How Geek are you? - Free Online Dating56% - Free Online Dating

Funny Blog

Here is the link to a dating blog that has some pretty funny stories.

In case...

your raging kegger isn't raging. Here is a link to some drinking games that you might find interesting.

Oh how I miss the days

Well it is super nice out which makes it hard for me to be inside all day. Well as usual I missed the bus today. So I have to walk to work. I am not complaining it was beautiful. I stopped by Roast got a iced caramel cosmo (caramel latte) which is delicious.

I haven't figured out what job gives me the liberty to roam the city yet but I am looking for it.

Anyway. I want to go out and play. Oh that job has to let me sleep in.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


There is definitely a reason why I normally buy applesauce in the single packs. I just opened a 50oz. jar of applesauce and now fear I will eat the entire jar before the day is over. Some one should pick up the jar and save me from myself. I guess if I do eat the entire jar its only 1000 calories. It could be a worse binge I assume.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Nursery Rhyme Fun

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up got Jack, and home did trot As fast as he could caper
He went to bed and bound his head
With vinegar and brown paper.

So I read that this had something to do with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Can anyone give me more insight?


Violent Works vs Violent Acts

Here is an article where novelist and columnist Stephen King weighs in on differentiating writing crazy shit vs. doing crazy shit.,,20036014,00.html

Today's Poll

What's your prference?
Little Debbie Snack Cakes
Hostess Snack Cakes
I'm Snack Cake free.
Free polls from

Update: If you need help here are some links
Little Debbie

Update Again: Who could possibly be snack cake free? I can't imagine life without snack cakes. relationship

I am so excited that Entourage is back on tv. Time Warner still hates me. They responded to my question but not with any real fees. I am not buying anything until I know how much my monthly bill will be. I really want HBO.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Food of the Week

According to beth the food of the week is: Korean Kimchi Soup

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why does HBO hate me!!!

Well I don't understand why I can't get a subscription for hbo online like a pay for streaming service. Or why I can't buy episodes on iTunes. I need to watch Entourage. NOW!!!! Hope the cable company has something good to say.


Barack Obama @ the Milwaukee Theatre

Well what can I say. I am still not a hundred percent sure of my candidate but that did not stop me from going out to see Barack Obama's Milwaukee "kickoff".

The event was much different than the normal kickoffs because of the tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech but I think because of that we got a very different speech.

First of all the kickoff started off with Willie Hines (president of the common council) talking about the need to jump on the political bandwagon and stay connect and tell others about the presidential race as well as Obama.

Next his kids did a performance of God Bless America (I believe) which was a pretty cute performance they were very young. (the got a standing ovation)

Then came Mayor Barrett. He made it a point to say that normally he does not come out to support a candidate this early on but because of Obama's knowledge that it is important to bring the country together. He also tried to explain to the crowd about the message that Obama would speak of.

Well Like I said it wasn't the big (rock star) show that everyone expected but I think there were importance in what he had to say. The speech was a little under 30 minutes and was geared toward violence both physical and verbal. The physical violence that occurred during the shootings in Virginia and the verbal violence that surrounded the Don Imus nonsense. I'll save my comments about that for another post. I think that it is pretty clear what Obama is thinking about his campaign and about the nation in general that change is needed and it won't happen until it is demanded from this country.

So although Milwaukee didn't get the rah rah speech that everyone else has been getting I think that what we heard showed a different side to Obama. That he can motivate a crowd through loud music and "let's go" speeches as well as through compassionate and mellow speeches that the country needs in times like this.

As a side note to the kickoff:
I was concerned that people were surprised by the fact that the tone of the speech was changed in light of the events that happened yesterday. My initial thoughts were of course the speech was changed because yeah he is trying to motivate the people of Milwaukee to vote for him he is running to the presidency of the United States not Wisconsin. I think people should take the time to think about if tragedy struck here how they would feel if a presidential hopefully were doing lively speeches and not recognizing their pain.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tricks and Techniques

ok the title is from an old interview form: It read: What tricks or techniques do you use to make work or school easier. It always made me giggle and many others so it had to be changed.

Anyway the purpose of this post is for me to let everyone know what my tricks and techniques are for having a proper fascination with a celebrity personality.

Technique #1: If you do lots with computers (say work with them) you should start all googling by searching your crush's name. For example before I need to find something important on the internet I do a John Mayer google search. Why? Because doing a John Mayer search make the internet better. So if you happen to like a certain baseball player a lot you should do a Grady Sizemore search.

Trick #1: If they are of the actor/actress or singer variety a nice search could be in order. You can find some good fun facts about them.

Trick #2: More internet related things like trips to wikipedia. You can find out all types of fun info.

From these site you should gather as much information as possible so you can wow your friends with your knowledge of said object of interest.

Things like Grady Sizemore Cleveland Indians center fielder was born August 2, 1982. He went to Cascade High School in Everett, Washington where he played football, baseball and basketball.

From experience your friend will find all this information horribly interesting no matter what they say to you.

Technique #2: You should have at least one picture of the one you hold high reverence to posted in a place where others will see it. This way when people say "Why do you have a picture of (John Mayer/Grady Sizemore/fill in the blank)" you can dazzle the masses with the knowledge you obtained at the above websites.

Also you must be aware of all television appearances so you can watch the grow as a person/musician/actors/baseball player.

Well I am sure I could go on forever but I will bring this to an end. Just remember there is a point where knowing all about someone becomes stalking. Its a fine line, try not to cross it.

Friday, April 13, 2007


The only people that will appreciate this is girls and well moisturized guys. Anyway I have been thinking about cocoa butter lotion lately because as a kid I remember having it and I thought it worked. Well yesterday while at Walgreens I decide to pick up some. So I was looking around and spotted only one brand of cocoa butter lotion. Which I thought was odd and I'm still wondering about it. Well I don't look at the price or who made it, I just picked it up knowing I would buy it. When I got home I realized that I didn't check the price and looked at it $1.99 for a decent sized bottle. Anyway I am glad I made the purchase because I think it was well worth the price paid.

Moisturized hands well worth it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back on my High Horse

Well recently Jimmy Kimmel stepped in a hosted the Larry King show. I watched a clip of him talking to the editor of a Gawker website. Which has some sort of celebrity sitings mapped. I think he acted like an complete ass. He was really juvenile in the way he acted while on a call with the editor which he ended abruptly because I guess he was under the impression that he had made his point.

You know here is my feeling about the whole situation. When you decide to go into show business and you put yourself out there, why wouldn't you expect people to idolize you? The thing is celebrities get all upset that people take pictures of them and follow them around to see what hey are buying but without those fans there would be no one to watch their movies or tv shows. Some of that has to be chalked up as a part of the business. I think it is stupid to throw a bitch fit because some one took a picture of you and said you were (some adjective or verb).

You know if anybody knew who I was or gave a crap about the city I lived in, people would follow me around and insinuate that I was drunk, slutting it up or maybe even hanging out with someone sluttier that I was behaving. Because you know some times I draw attention to myself because I am am just as narcissistic (maybe not - I do think very highly of myself - because I'm awesome) as every celebrity out there pretending they're not.

How about that or not have a career.

Off my high horse.

Well why not

here is a site where you can damn people.

Movies and Music

Have you ever wonder what the name of a song was that was in a movie trailer? Whether you have or not here is a site that can help with that type of info.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Just got an email from Amy

She wanted to know if we were a couple. Strange I know, I don't know Amy either.

But along with that message she sent this picture.

This must say tons about the alleged relationship I have with Amy.

Rachael Ray Goes To Prom

Here is a short article about Rachael Ray and humanitarian cause to send high school students to prom. And probably lose their virginity.

Weird Peep Art

I'll let you all determine whether or not you like it.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What now

bloggedy blog blog blog

Yeah I got nothing but it will come soon.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ultimate TV watching

Is about to start again.

April 8th the new season of Entourage is starting. Also Heroes is back on the 23rd.

who knows what else might happen super excited.


I'm concerned

How in the who is crazier poll I have 5 votes and Beth only has one (and that was me).

Don't you know if you don't vote for her she will be sad.

Plus come on.


Speaking of Actors

I don't know if I mentioned this lately but I like to look at Ryan Reynolds.

Well I let the movie Smokin' Aces just pass me by. It has some of my favorite Hollywood people in it.

Ryan Reynolds of course
Jeremy Pivens (Ari Gold is awesome and so is he)
Peter Berg - I don't know why I like him but oh well
Jason Bateman - he brings the funny

I guess it is time to move this movie to the top of the Netflix queue.


The Best (or not) Actors Ever

Well I had dinner with two friends last night and we were talking about some great talents.

Paul Walker
Chris Klein
Freddie Prinze Jr.

Now there are many opinions of these three.

-Freddie Prinze has to be a robot because all human can act a little.

-I believe it was, if Chris Klein and Paul Walker attempted to act they could do it but they obviously haven't tried yet.

-Paul Walker has cue cards because it seems as if he is just reading. (Good thing for him he is fun to look at).

I think this statement from Wikipedia says something about Chris Klein:

"Klein was the focus of a Punk'd segment in which host Ashton Kutcher repeatedly mocks his performance as Jonathan Cross in the 2002 film Rollerball. Despite seeing cameramen and audio specialists in his own home, Klein remains ignorant to the set-up and ducks for cover when told to do so."

Freddie Prinze Jr. Well I don't know what to say because I don't feel all that strongly about him. He was mainly added because I wanted to hear other people's opinions of him. Plus I would like Grypp to compare these great talents and determine if Freddie Prinze is the most robotic.


Who are you to judge.

I was just reading John Mayer's blog because I hadn't checked it out in a while. You know I can't wait until July 3rd.

Back to my point I guess.

Have you ever talked to someone about music the both of you and they look at you funny or made some weird noise at your choices. Well I am making a statement right now that I know people will bitch about.

I really like this song called Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood.

This is how I will respond to all you nay sayers, "I don't like your crap music either!"

So who are we to judge. Everybody thinks their opinion is better that everyone else's, what happened to being unique little flowers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Today's Poll

This will be continuous poll.

Who do you think is crazier?
Free polls from

Who's crazier?

April 3rd Beth is crazier.

I don't know why

I find this cover of My Humps by Alanis Morisette so funny but I do.


Social Networking Sites

Well I don't suggest you do them all bu I think that everyone should have a profile somewhere. I know some might disagree but oh well.

Not obnoxious yet...

Yeah the blog isn't obnoxious yet. I was hoping for this week but I am busy this week so maybe next week.

For those who are concerned the ultra obnoxiousness well be short lived.

Maybe it won't be obnoxious who knows.


Monday, April 02, 2007

Rock Band

Rock Band is going to come out at the end of the year.

A four player game that I will probably never own because PS3 are expensive and I bet Xbox 360 is too. Well it is Guitar Hero amped up. There will be a guitar player, bass player, a drummer and a singer. Well it should be fun.

With online capabilities people from all over can play together. We'll see.
